Could Your Senior Be Struggling with Dental Health Problems?

Caregiver in Frederick County VA: Dental Health Problems

Caregiver in Frederick County VA: As a family caregiver, one of the most important things you can do is protect your parent from health issues. This includes detecting issues they might be struggling with so you can help them to get the care and support they need to overcome those issues and protect their health from serious consequences.

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Getting Your Siblings Involved in Your Aging Parent’s Care During Order Groceries Online Month

Elderly Care in Frederick County VA: Order Groceries Online Month

Elderly Care in Frederick County VA: As a family caregiver, having siblings can be a tremendous source of help. Involving your siblings in the care of your aging parent is a fantastic way to not only take some of the burdens off of yourself, easing your stress and opening up your schedule, but it is also beneficial for your senior.

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What Cognitive Impairment Might a Senior With Hospital Induced Delirium Experience?

Homecare in Frederick County VA: Hospital Induced Delirium

Homecare in Frederick County VA: For those elderly adults who enter the hospital, risks and challenges go beyond just the particular issue that led to their hospitalization. Studies show that at least half of all elderly adults who are hospitalized will develop a condition known as hospital-induced delirium.

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